Support Ikenhisu ll and become an Amazon Associate affiliate and earn 10% once it's available on Amazon DVD & Amazon Instant Video
$5 - $49 Dollar Donation: M.I.H(Making It Happen) Team Player will receive Special Thanks in the MIH Team Player section of the credits and website! The option of becoming a sales affiliate and make up to 10% commission through the Amazon Associates program.
$50 - $99 Dollar Donation: M.I.H(Making It Happen) Team Captain; Special Thanks in the MIH Team Captain section of the credits and website, and a Ikenhisu Poster. You will receive a copy of the finished product on Down Load or DVD and the option of becoming an Amazon affiliate and make up to 10% commission on every sale.
$100 -$449 Dollar Donation: M.I.H(Making It Happen) Associate Producer; Special thanks in the MIH Associate Producer section of the credits and a profile on the website as one of the MIH Associate producers. You will receive an Autographed 12x18 Poster. You will receive a copy of the finished product on Down Load or DVD and the option to become an Amazon Associate affiliate and make up to 10% commission on every sale.
$500 - $999 Dollar Donation: M.I.H(Making It Happen) Producer; Special Thanks in the MIH Producer section of the credits an autographed 12x18 Poster and a profile in the MIH Producer’s section of the web site. You will receive a copy of the finished product on Down Load or DVD and the option to become an Amazon Associate affiliate and make up to 10% commission on every sale.
$1000 - $4999 Dollar Donation: Producer: You will receive a traditional Producers Credit at the beginning of the film and end credits. An autographed 12x18 Poster and a profile in the producer’s section of the web site. You will receive a copy of the finished product on Down Load or DVD and the option to become an Amazon Associate affiliate and make up to 10% commission on every sale.
$5000 or More Dollar Donation: Executive Producer: Executive Producers Credit, autographed 12x18 Poster, T-Shirt, profile in the Executive Producers section of the web site, finished product on Down Load or DVD and the option to become an Amazon Associate affiliate and make up to 10% commission on every sale.